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Israel's premiere


recruitment organization


- for careers, not just jobs.

Olim are a valuable treasure for Israel's business sector.

Olim are a crucial asset for companies interested in doing business internationally. Specifically for Israeli firms looking to expand their operations globally, Western Olim and internationals living in Israel are the ideal candidates to fill senior business development, communications, investor relations, sales, and marketing positions.


The newest wave of Western Aliyah is bringing highly educated individuals, with impressive career experience, and great international business networks. Israel Executive’s goal is to ensure the top companies in Israel fill their executive openings with only the best employees. We search for ideal candidates, handpicking the most relevant based on each company’s unique profile and future goals.


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Careers We Specialize In
  • Business Develoment

  • Sales

  • Marketing

  • Communications

  • Investor Relations

  • Legal

  • Accounting

  • Banking

  • Venture Capital

  • High-tech

Recent News

Israel Executive Goes Global

January 2015


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